Welcome High Quality Tranportation Team! Looking Forward To Work with You!




This Agreement is made and entered  on the date listed below by and between Hight Quality Express LLC, 501 N Main St, Hight Point, NC 27260 COMPANY) and
(CONTRACTOR) and shall remain in full force and
effect for not less than thirty (30) days hereafter, with automatic renewal for succeeding periods following each delivery of
the freight and the provision of Proof of Delivery. The acceptance of a load shall be deemed a renewal of this Agreement
by Contractor. By signing this agreement, Contractor becomes the dedicated Hight Quality Express LLC. Contractor
allowed to work for Hight Quality Express LLC.

Independent Owner-Operator Status. It is expressly agreed that Contractor shall always be acting as the Independent
Contractor in performing any services for Company. Company shall carry no worker's compensation insurance, or any
health or accident insurance to cover Contractor, or any of his/her drivers. Company shall not pay any contribution to
social security, unemployment insurance, Federal or State withholding taxes, nor provide any other contributions, which
might be expected in an employer-employee relationship. Contractor agrees to report and pay any necessary amounts for
worker's compensation, taxes, unemployment insurance, social security, health insurance and other benefits for himself
and his drivers.

Company Indemnification. Contractor shall defend and indemnify Company and its directors, officers, and employees,
and stockholders, (collectively, ―Indemnified Parties‖) from and against all third party claims, actions, suits, demands,
damages, obligations, losses, settlements, judgments, costs and expenses (including without limitation reasonable
attorneys’ fees and costs).

Update Information Reporting. Honest and on-time communication is required between Contractor and Company. It
includes, but is not limited to providing Company dispatch with the updates of arrival on pickup/delivery site, updates
about the picked up freight (including number of pieces, total weight, BOL#, delivery address), updates of the full name of
the person who received the freight and signed the BOL, updates of the vehicle’s current location every hour when driving
to the pick up facility, and up to every two hours when moving loaded to the delivery facility, or additionally on
dispatcher’s request. Contractor must immediately present every piece of the information concerning the ongoing shipment
e.g. traffic conditions, accidents, vehicle break downs etc, and answer all questions of the Company dispatch. In addition
to this, contractor has to send two pictures to the email address loadexperto@gmail.com
: one picture of the secured freight in the truck at the pick-up facility once loaded and one picture of the
unloaded freight at the delivery facility.

Damaged Freight. When Contractor is loaded with the damaged freight, he/she must notify Company dispatch
immediately, send pictures of such freight, and wait until further directions. Contractor must have the written notice on the
Bill Of Lading by the shipper with his full name and contact phone number that the freight has been damaged before
loading, including ―Not Driver’s Fault‖ note. If Contractor leaves the shipping facility with the damaged freight and never
informs Company about it, then Contractor is fully responsible for all charges, claims or rate reductions that may be issued
by the broker to the Company. Company shall not accept any liability for the damaged or short freight transported by the

Vehicle Maintenance. Contractor is responsible for maintenance of the vehicles owned. If the vehicle breaks down while under
the Company's load, Contractor must immediately call the Company dispatch to explain the situation. Contractor must provide
evidence of the breakage to Company within 24 hours. The different Contractor, who reloads the broken vehicle shall be paid the
necessary amount to deliver the freight to the final destination. The Contractor, whose vehicle was broken shall receive the
remainder from the whole rate per load no matter what distance this Contractor had already made.

Insurance requirements. Vehicle must be added into Hight Quality Express LLC policy to stay complient with the FMCSA's regulations. Insurance has to be valid and purchased at Contractor’s expense including $1,000,000
Commercial General Liability, $1,000,000 Commercial Auto Liability CSL and $100,000 Broad Form Cargo with $1,000
deductible max. It is Hight Quality Express LLC responsibility to either settle the financial burden, which resulted from any type of the accident,
independently or with involving its coverage Insurance company. All claims in regards to the freight being lost or damaged, vehicle being lost
or damaged, third parties being injured or their belongings being damaged by the Contractor’s vehicle should be settled with the
Hight Quality Express LLC Insurance Policy, exempting Company from covering any part of such expenses.

Payment Terms and Conditions. Hight Quality Express LLC, charges 5% from every load booked using our company dispatch services, if carriers uses his own "self-dispatch", carrier must cover monthly fee of $1,000 at the beginning of every billing cycle. The distance of the hauled load is measured by principle ―from the zip-code to the zip-
code‖. Empty miles may be paid after 100 miles. Contractor shall provide his/her real current location to Company to determine the correct empty mileage. Company submits the direct deposit on Wednesday. Payments are made within 24
(twenty-four hours) after receiving delivery info and 3% of the rate will be charged for quick pay. Contractor must provide
Company with the good-quality photocopy of the Bill of Lading, signed by the receiver at the appropriate place of the
document. It must be emailed to
operations@load-expert.com immediately after the freight is unloaded. 25% reduction may be applied for any pickup/ delivery failure, including lateness over 4hrs
without notifying the Company Dispatch, earlier loading/unloading than scheduled appointment or any other service
failures. 50%
rate reduction applies if contractor gave a green light to book a load and then failed to pick up with any valid reason that is
followed by proving documentation

Breach of Contract. Either party may terminate the Agreement voluntarily or for a specific cause, excluding the possibility
to terminate the Agreement during the uncompleted shipment. Specific cause includes, but is not limited to the following:
Contractor's poor performance, e.g. failure to provide the on time location updates, the good quality POD signed in the
appropriate place; lateness without the notification, etc.; Contractor is failing to maintain the required insurance coverage;
Contractor is seeking to compete with Company, i.e. communicating directly with the broker; Contractor's unacceptable and
rude behavior with dispatchers and representatives at the facility, etc.


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